Proper vehicle maintenance is an important factor in keeping you safe and extending the life of your automobile. Whether it's checking the air pressure in your tires or checking your oil, this section of the video will teach you how to make sure your vehicle is ready to hit the road and telltale signs that mean you may want to swing-by a mechanic's shop first.

The dashboards in some cars have so many gauges and gizmos they look like something you might find in the cockpit of an F-16 fighter jet. Emergency flashers, parking brake, low fuel light, cruise control. These lights will pop up from time-to-time and some of them are important indicators that something is wrong with your vehicle and you should get it checked-out by a mechanic.

Did you know that reverse is the strongest gear in your car? Whether you're backing out of a parking space at the shopping mall or backing out of your driveway at home, this section will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to do it properly and safely.

Proper space management on the road can mean the difference between a minor fender-bender and a serious accident. It not only refers to the space you maintain around your vehicle on the road, but also the space you should give other vehicles. Without proper space management, the road would turn into one big bumper car derby!

Ever heard of the "three second rule"? It's the appropriate amount of following distance you should maintain between your car and the car in front of you. Ever heard of "tailgating"? That's what the car behind you is doing when they fail to obey the three second rule and ride your bumper. Tailgating isn't just rude, it can be extremely dangerous!

Knowing how to turn is a critical component of safe driving, and something you'll be doing a lot of once you get behind the wheel of a car. From using your turn signal, to the correct position of your hands on the steering wheel, learn how to prepare for and execute a proper turn without causing an accident.

Turn on your blinker and go for it, right? Wrong. Changing lanes can be one of the trickiest and most dangerous maneuvers in driving, especially if you're not paying attention. This section of the video will teach you how to change lanes properly and safely.

Three-point turn, five-point turn, u-turn, y-turn, Okay, this is getting complicated. "Turnabout Tasks" will teach you how to execute these complicated turns with ease. These turns will enable you to maneuver your vehicle on even the most narrow of streets.

Okay, you knew it was coming: parallel parking! Two of the most feared words in every new driver's vocabulary. Don't worry, this section of the video will teach you how to perform this difficult maneuver, along with how to find a good parking spot, what parking spaces to avoid and, finally, how to avoid getting a parking ticket!

Do you know what a flashing red light means? What about a flashing yellow light? Some intersections are controlled and others are not controlled. Intersections are also where a majority of traffic accidents take place because many drivers fail to observe important intersection control devices such as stop signs and red lights.

Avoiding traps can be tricky while driving, especially if you live in or around a big city where there is a lot of traffic. For instance, would you know what to do if two semi-trucks pulled along either side of you? Would you speed-up or slow-down? Find out how to avoid getting "trapped" on the road and how to deal with traps if and when they happen.

Like it or not, everybody has to drive on the expressway at some point. Expressways, freeways and interstates stretch across thousands of miles of this country so it's impossible to avoid them. Don't worry, this section will show you how to get on the entrance ramp, merge into flowing traffic, which lane you're supposed to drive in, how fast you should be going and, most importantly, how to exit safely.

Stop. Go. Stop. Go. If you live in a big city, you know the feeling. In this section you will learn how to drive in -- and cope with -- heavy traffic. Even if you live way out in the country, you're bound to encounter heavy traffic at some point and it's important that you know how to safely handle slow-moving traffic. Just because you're going slow doesn't mean it's any less dangerous, so be sure to pay close attention during this section.

You see smoke coming out of the hood of your car. The steering wheel suddenly won't steer. The accelerator is stuck and you're heading into heavy traffic. Would you know what to do? The scary thing is that vehicle failures come in many forms - some serious, some not so serious. Either way, it's important that you are prepared for any worst case scenarios that may happen while you're driving.

Learn what to do next time you hear the sirens or see those red lights flashing in your rearview mirror. These vehicles drive fast and make lots of noise for a reason: they need to get somewhere fast. Whether it's a police vehicle chasing after a bad guy or an ambulance rushing somebody to the hospital, emergency vehicles always have the right-of-way. Failure to observe emergency vehicles can cost you a hefty traffic citation.

Did you think roads and bridges just magically appeared one day? It took construction workers a lot of hard work to build them, so do these guys a favor and review this section carefully. Speed limits are often reduced in construction zones in order to protect construction workers from speeding vehicles. Not only that, but traffic fines are doubled in construction zones and a speeding ticket may cost you hundreds of dollars.

No driver is safe without auto insurance. Uninsured motorists cost taxpayers billions of dollars every year. Learn why you need automobile insurance, what kind of insurance you should consider, and how to go about obtaining an insurance policy so that you and your vehicle are "covered" in the event of an accident.

"Accidents happen", we've all heard this a thousand times. Probably because it's true. Thousands of accidents happen every day and, hopefully, you won't have to experience one. If you do get into a fender-bender, this section will teach you how to react and what steps you should take to deal with the aftermath.

Know what to expect the day of your DMV driving test. This process may vary from state-to-state, but overall you're going to encounter the same things: a no-nonsense driving instructor who is going to make sure that you know what you're doing before giving you a driver's license.